The Future of Jobs Report

The 2023 Future of Jobs Report published by the World Economic Forum provides insights into the labor markets and opportunities currently available in the 21st century, as well as looking at the future of work. Now in its third edition, the report explores the jobs and skills of the future, and illustrating the pace of […]
State of Florida Metrics

The Florida Scorecard™ is a dynamic online tool that identifies and tracks key metrics that are important to Florida’s economy today and into the future giving stakeholders the power to measure progress on a statewide level and within their own communities.
Florida Jobs 2030

The Florida Chamber Foundation is Florida’s business-led, nonpartisan research and future-focused organization working in partnership with regional and state leaders to provide solutions to secure Florida’s future. Founded in 1968, the Florida Chamber Foundation’s research identifies the long- term needs for Florida’s future.
Realizing 2030: A Divided Vision of the Future

Dell Technologies recently teamed-up with Institute for the Future (IFTF) and 20 experts from around the world to project into the future, forecast how emerging technologies – such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) – will reshape how we live and work by 2030, and gather insights that will help businesses navigate […]
An Affordable New Educational Institution

The conventional model of higher education is facing growing skepticism. With rising tuition costs, ballooning debt, and concerns about preparedness for the work force, many are doubting the value of higher education. Alternative credentials and online offerings are gaining currency.
Five Minds for the Future

In his book, 5 Minds for the Future, Howard Gardner concerns himself with the kinds of minds that people will need if we are to thrive in the world during the eras to come. Also, in the interconnected world in which the majority of human beings now live we need to identify the kinds of […]
Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace

GALLUP’S STATE OF THE GLOBAL WORKPLACE report summarizes a wealth of data on how effectively employers and countries around the world including strategies for maximizing workplace productivity, regional workforce metrics, and country-specific spotlight articles that offer insights from Gallup’s workplace consultants around the world.
20 Reasons Startups Fail

From lack of product-market fit to disharmony on the team, we break down the top 20 reasons for startup failure by analyzing 101 startup failure post-mortems.
The Lost Workforce

Many companies are desperately looking for candidates to fill their increasing job vacancies. Meanwhile hundreds of millions of unemployed, overqualified or under-skilled workers do not, or no longer have, the relevant skillsets required to fulfill specific roles. This lost workforce represents an incredible loss in growth and economic prosperity.
Workforce and Learning Trends 2021

To develop Workforce and Learning Trends 2021, CompTIA surveyed 400 U.S. human resources and workforce learning professionals about their organizations’ response to the pandemic and their future plans for L&D and other activities. We also conducted qualitative interviews with L&D experts and a comprehensive literature review of trend reports and surveys from other authoritative organizations.